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Serbia's Largest PV Power Plant Project Completed by HYPEC on 24th May, 2024

Date:2024-07-24    Author:Dai Xu   Fonts:[ Big Middle Small ]

As one of the most important countries of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative, Serbia witnessed its largest PV Power Plant Project with installed capacity of 13.86MWp Phase I was completed on 24th May, 2024 by PowerChina Hubei Engineering Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “HYPEC”). The Project is of great significance to the development of renewable energy in Serbia and will inject inexhaustible green energy into Serbia economy and society development after its completion.


 As the largest PV power plant in single installed capacity in Serbia, the Saraorci PV Power Plant Project is the first general contracting PV power plant Project undertaken by POWERCHINA  in Serbia, the first ground PV Project by Chinese company in Serbia, which is of great demonstration significance.

 The Project is jointly implemented by POWERCHINA International and its main subsidiary HYPEC. The Scope of Work includes survey, design, supply, civil construction and mechanical and electrical installation, commissioning, etc. for PV field, substation, switchgear station and OHTL connecting with local grid, utilizing Chinese technology and equipment mostly, such as PV panels, inverters, and mounting structures.

 The Project employed all local workers, creating a large number of employment opportunities for the local communities, and nearly 200 local workers participated in the construction of the Project every day during the peak period.

 After the completion of the Project, it is expected to provide about 16.62 million kWh electricity per year, saving 5,100 tons of standard coal per year to protect the local environment in Serbia, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 16,000 tons, reducing sulfur dioxide emissions by 2.7 tons, and reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by 3.2 tons.


 Serbia is known as the "crossroads" of Europe, Powerchina and its main subsidiary HYPEC has deeply participated in the construction of lots of important Projects in Serbia. These Projects have boosted the economic and social development of Serbia, improved the quality life of the local people, continuously pushing forward the Iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia.


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